Argyle™* Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Catheters
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheters for pediatric and neonatal patients requiring acute or chronic peritoneal dialysis treatment. For variable body habitus and sizing, both the intra-abdominal segment and the subcutaneous segments of the catheter can be shortened proportionally.

Argyle™* Pediatric Tenckhoff Catheter
The Argyle™* pediatric Tenckhoff catheter is a standard pediatric peritoneal catheter.
- For short-term and long-term peritoneal dialysis
- Available in a variety of lengths and cuff configurations — including one (1) attached cuff or two (2) attached cuff options

Argyle™* Pediatric Curl Cath Catheter
A modified Tenckhoff catheter, the Argyle™* pediatric curl cath peritoneal catheter is suitable for pediatric patients, for acute or chronic peritoneal dialysis.

Argyle™* Pediatric Swan Neck Tenckhoff Catheter
The Argyle™* pediatric swan neck Tenckhoff catheter offers a pre-formed angle, with a 2-cuff option.

Argyle™* Pediatric Swan Neck Curl Cath Catheter
The Argyle™* pediatric swan neck curl cath peritoneal catheters provides pediatric patients with a pre-formed angle and curled mass ending.
- Numerous catheter inflow/outflow holes
- Internal and external downward positioning configuration

Argyle™* Pediatric Swan Neck Curl Cath Missouri Catheter
The Argyle™* pediatric swan neck curl cath Missouri peritoneal dialysis catheter is suitable for pediatric patients.
- Curled mass ending
- A silicone bead placed just inside the peritoneum
- A pre-formed 180° angle swan neck
- Numerous inflow/outflow holes in the curled portion to diffuse dialysate
Reimbursement and procedure coding
Explore tools and guidelines to help your staff optimize the process of procedural CPT and HCPCS code selection — for hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and dialysis access maintenance.
Peritoneal dialysis accessories and insertion tools
Pair catheter use with compatible peritoneal dialysis procedural tools and accessories for proper PD catheter placement and management.
Argyle™* is a trademark of Cardinal Health, Inc., used under license.