PD Insertion Live Training Summit
Harness comfort and confidence with live, step-by-step peritoneal dialysis insertion training — led by industry experts.
Advancing knowledge, advancing therapies
Skilled surgical insertion and placement — interventional practitioners play a crucial role in the overall success of peritoneal dialysis therapy use, patient care, and quality of life.
Accelerate mastery of these highly specialized procedures through direct guidance, resources, and interactive experiences.

Expand skills and knowledge to advance peritoneal dialysis best practices
- Comprehensive didactic and lab settings
- Experienced physician-led instruction
- Limited seating/small group size
- State-of-the-art radiology lab use
Foundations to specialization
Review concepts of peritoneal dialysis, individualized therapy options, and PD patient assessment best practices.
Surgical considerations:
Explore critical steps in planning, preparation, and catheter selection.
Specialized surgical experiences:
Observe live demonstration — practice with direct, hands-on participation.

Discover on-demand
Access on-demand video instruction and virtual peritoneal dialysis advancement pathways.
Explore peritoneal dialysis catheter options
A variety of PD catheter configurations for placement and patient customization.
Discover all resources
Our resource library is designed to help you find a comprehensive listing of tools and information – all in one place. View, search and filter the full archive for kidney health technology webinar courses, downloads and other educational materials.